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March Meeting 2013: Invited talk on cavity quantum phonodynamics, talks on spin-valley relaxation and many-body phononic systems.
March 21st, 2013 | by admin | published in All, News, Talks

This year’s APS March Meeting in Baltimore was unquestionably a good one. It seemed like everyone showed up. We were happy to be able to give an invited talk on cavity quantum phonodynamics and two theory talks on our work on quantum dot spin-valley relaxation with the Australians and on the theory of proposed many-body phononic systems. Also of note were the two sessions on Quantum Characterization, Verification, and Validation (I, II) and the four(!) on nano/optomechanics (I, II, III, IV).
Invited Talk, MM2013: On-chip cavity quantum phonodynamics: spin qubits and nano/optomechanics
March 20th, 2013 | by admin | published in All, Talks
Invited talk at the 2013 APS March Meeting in Baltimore.
Colloquium @ Stanford: Spookytechnology and Society: The progress and implications of quantum information science and technology
May 21st, 2008 | by admin | published in All, Talks
Speaker: Charles Tahan. About the talk: As a physicist, I will give a somewhat un-physics perspective on quantum information science and technology, both via some of my own scientific work, but mostly from the vantage of science and technology studies. My own pet name for the field, spookytechnology, provides a good starting point for the discussion. We will touch on why the new quantum revolution is for real (including some cool examples), what “new quantum revolution” actually means, why it’s more interesting than nanotechnology, and how we should prepare for it, both personally and societally.