Archive for April, 2019

Theory of barrier vs tilt exchange gate operations in spin-based quantum computing

April 14th, 2019  |  by  |  published in Featured, Highlights, News, Quantum Computing, Research

Theory of barrier vs tilt exchange gate operations in spin-based quantum computing

Why is it better to operate exchange gates by tuning the tunnel gate instead of doing detuning? This paper shows, quantitately, that tunnel gates inflict less susceptibility to charge noise. So if you are making a quantum dot quantum computer, make sure your fast lines are on the barrier gates! We present a theory for understanding […]

PRB: Electron g-factor of valley states in realistic silicon quantum dots

April 14th, 2019  |  by  |  published in News, Papers, Quantum Computing, Research

PRB: Electron g-factor of valley states in realistic silicon quantum dots

We explain an unexpected anomoly of the g-factor (how the electron spin qubit energy changes as a function of magnetic field) in silicon quantum dots. This new mechanism creates a new channel for decoherence (via electrical noise and spin-orbit coupling), which – we predict can be negated by changing the direction of the magnetic field. This […]

Tahan Research

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