Phys. Rev. B: On-chip cavity quantum phonodynamics with an acceptor qubit in silicon

August 30th, 2013  |  Published in All, Nanotechnology, News, Papers, Phonitons, Quantum Computing

Received 13 November 2012; published 30 August 2013

We describe a chip-based, solid-state analog of cavity-QED utilizing acoustic phonons instead of photons. We show how long-lived and tunable acceptor impurity states in silicon nanomechanical cavities can play the role of a matter nonlinearity for coherent phonons just as, e.g., the Josephson qubit plays in circuit QED. Both strong coupling (number of Rabi oscillations ≲100) and strong dispersive coupling (0.1–2 MHz) regimes can be reached in cavities in the 1–20-GHz range, enabling the control of single phonons, phonon-phonon interactions, dispersive phonon readout of the acceptor qubit, and compatibility with other optomechanical components such as phonon-photon translators. We predict explicit experimental signatures of the acceptor-cavity system.


Phys. Rev. B 88, 064308 (2013)

On-chip cavity quantum phonodynamics with an acceptor qubit in silicon

Phonon amplitude through nanomechanical cavity - acceptor qubit system as a function of probe frequency, detuning, and temperature.

Phonon amplitude through nanomechanical cavity – acceptor qubit system as a function of probe frequency, detuning, and temperature.


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